Game Overview
The 2017 game, FIRST Steamworks, required alliances of three robots to ferry gears across the field to their respective airships, all the while collecting and scoring fuel in an 11 ft tall boiler. At the end of the 2 minute 30 second match, robots climbed ropes in order to be deemed ready for takeoff and garner an additional 50 points!
Our robot, about to place a gear during autonomous
What we built
Our 2017 robot "Strafe" was designed to ferry gears with the best of them, as from the ground up (quite literally!) we focused on speed! We had a top speed of around 18.3 ft/sec, or 12.5 MPH, so we flew across the field on our custom swerve drive. Powered by 8 775 Pros and 4 9015 motors to steer, this drive train enabled us to move quickly in any and all directions. We had a gear ground pickup as well as a loading station gear mechanism. We also had a climbing mechanism which used Velcro to grab a rope and pull itself up in under 4 seconds.
Competition season
St. Louis Regional - March 8-11 - Not Picked
Rocket City Regional - March 22-25 - Eliminated in quarterfinals
Gateway Robotics Competition - October 7
Cow Town Throwdown - TBD
Our robot having just finished a successful climb
Featured: cyborg SWERVE
Our first year making a swerve drive, we machined and built it all in house. Like shopping cart wheels, all our wheels can rotate individually in addition to driving at high speeds, and they are even capable of turning while driving.